Friday, December 16, 2011

HKB conspiracy continue

I feel so sick and upset. Kenneth Lin Xiang Fuk has return to Indonesia. Lin came back to buy off the old HKB men to lie for his conspiracy.  I have seen Lin many years ago fantasize about making money. Then I saw a report from many years ago on false HKB history made by Lin and Meng.  It makes me sick.
When I see Benny here in Indonesia day after day I think of a cockroach from VTM. I can only try to hide behind my smile to where I am so sick. Our HKB members are corrupted by money, money, money! HKB is no longer geniune.  Lin tells the old HKB men to lie everytime he comes back to Indonesia.  Kwee King Yang is 18 Lohan!  Lin is nothing but a professional liar. Master Tio is only true and genuine man. Sergio has the truth with Master Tio. I only see one person in HKB who will stand up for the truth. Master Tio has earned my repsect. He has a true genuine heart not to put himself first and sell out HKB like the other old HKB men.

I know why Lin came 12/8/2011, three days before Benny Meng came here.  Lin plan to come ahead to cheat Benny Meng like he did in 09. In 09 Lin went ahead of time to trick Benny Meng and Sergio. Later Sergio went back without Lin knowing and found out the truth.  Lin is afraid to go down the toilet. Benny knows nothing about real research. Benny is willing to lie for Lin.  I can see it in his eyes. Look in his eyes, he is willing to compromise and rewrite history. Benny is doing no good for Wing Chun and 18 Lohan.

I personally witness what is going on in the last few days. King Hai is no longer the teacher I respect.  The reason I leave HKB is based on conspiracy in the HKB organization in Indonesia. Last few days I overheard Lin tell the old HKB men no more money coming back to them after after master Tio's video. Lin said master tio's video did some damage.  Even master Tio refused to take his money but as long as King Hai behind him the old men will get money. Lin is confident with King Hai to fool Benny. Unlike Sergio, Lin said he dont need to worry about Benny. Benny can be fool like in past 08 and 09 and now.  Lin said Sergio is 10 times more intelligent than Benny, Benny will work under him.  I no longer identify myself with King Hai. He has betrayed 18 Lohan and he lies to the martial arts commuity and innocent people around the world.  King Hai is only interested in money scam. That's why King Hai also willing to betray with Master Tio because Lin could pay him with those sting money. There's no more moral within the HKB old men here now.

Friday, October 14, 2011

No more lie to our 18 Hands Lohan and no more cheating to the public!

I am glad Master Tio is willing to support Sergio in Thailand.  I’m happy to see something is being done right for our beautiful art, of GM Kwee King Yang’s 18 Hands Lohan.  Master Tio is a man of honor.  Kenneth Lin damaged the reputation of our 18 Lohan family.  However, one problem still remains, in that The Kang Hay likes money and supports Lin’s scam.  I don’t know how The Kang Hay is going to face Master Tio in December. Master Tio said his relationship with Kang cannot be broken by lies.  The Kang Hay supports Lin’s lie now. I hope The Kang Hay tells the truth.  Kwee King Yang’s 18 Hands Lohan cannot have this corruption and fabricated history divide our art, and change our identity to wing chun, by that rat at the VTM storage room.  Just look into Kenneth Lin and Benny Meng’s eyes and you will see they are like rats running for the darkness to hide from the light. Like Kenneth Lin, will the The Kang Hay further disgrace our reputation and join the rats, or will he rise to a position of honor like Master Tio, and tell the truth?

Black Flag Wing Chun Statement by GM Tio Tek Kwie presented by Sifu Sergio

Official statement from Sifu Tio Tek Kwie about his former student Lin xiang fuk ( Kenneth Lin )
Im Very dissapointed that my lessons about being a good and rightgeous person did not succeed by my student , I have to apologize to the Wing Chun community for having supported his Lie about Black Flag Wing Chun my reasons for doing so wer...e none other then to help him set his business up in the US as he convinced me that Wing Chun would be the way to go marketing wise,i did not realise the consequence of this decision.

Again my sincere apologies for making this mistake,and i hope that my ex student can do the same,by disclosing the truth and giving his apologies to the Wing Chun world. in the past i have on several occasions followed his instructions to talk about my Teachers art as Wing Chun but i want to make it very clear that my teacher told me personally that the art is called 18 Lohan Hand

furthermore i want to state that my relationship with my kung fu brother The Kang Hay cannot be broken by lies,dont ever try to break our relationship and that this photo of our reunion were all the direct student of kwee king yang are sitting should be proof enough.

this is going to be my only written comment on all of your accusations as the Truth should indeed be protected at all times and especially the Honor of my beloved teacher Kwee King Yang.

Sincerely Sifu Tio Tek Kwie

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lin will say ANYTHING but not address his past.

Kenneth Lin will say anything but not address his past.  For the cultic followers, it is not what comes out of both sides of Lin’s mouth, but it is the evidence in this blog. What Lin does not talk about, is revealing. Why? Because he is a fake.
“What hurt us most is your lies,like you never where in Japan???? Even showing your passport.
But we have proof of you teaching Wing Chun in japan,you even met your wife there!!!”
- Sifu Sergio & Sifu Tur’s letter to Lin.
Below is evidence supporting Sifu Sergio. From Lin’s original writings of documentation, and correspondence, you will see he mentions the following…
*In 2003: Japan – fast talking bartender
*In 2002: Indonesia – Dive bar manager of cheapest liquor around
*In 2000: Surabaya Indonesia – Looking for a Wing Chun teacher.  Lin meets Anthony Chung Che Man of Vikoga Wing Chun.
*In 1997-1999: Canada – 22 years old burger boy, waiter and busboy

Below: Lin’s Resume’

References: or

*Y2K bug: year 19100 = 2000


*Y2K bug: year 19100 = 2000

References:  or

 *Y2K bug: year 19100 = 2000

Sorry, “Shaolin HKB cult members”. As you can see in the evidence above, Lin is a liar about not being in Japan.  The same as what Sifu Sergio found out.  Lin lies for the same, unethical self-promoting reasons, that Benny Meng promotes propaganda through his self-serving VTM.  Lin runs from his past, by deleting web sites to cover the truth. Just like Benny and his students, they delete stuff when they are challenged.  But here, exposed for all to see, is the captured evidence for the innocent, and the future of 18 Lohan.  Lin cannot delete his illegal gang activity for has no control over that evidence. His records will always come up in Japan.  In the Indonesia forums, Lin is well known to lie about his past, King Yang’s 18 Hands Lohan, Hek Ki Boen and Vikoga Wing Chun. Let us look at his lie about his Wing Chun having Samchien, and see where it really comes from.

"I started learning VingTsun when I was 12, The first was the hokkien`s version of VingTsun which focuses more on bringing the power from foot to the tip of the fingers(BiuJi) using a teachnique called `samchien` which mean `the power of heaven, earth and human`.I practised the hokkien`s version for about 6 years from 3 different sifu in Indonesia.” – Lin
 * Only 6 years of 18 Hands Lohan training and less than 3 years of Wing Chun by 2003.  You will see the 3 sifus referred to here, one is Master Tio.  You saw he met Chung Che Man in Indonesia in 2000.  You will see more below.
* Burger boy Lin, is a liar. He learned his heaven, earth and human Samchien, from downloads on the internet.  Take a look at what he said, on a forum in July of 2003, saying his 6 sifus had incomplete samchien knowledge. Lin, samchien76, asked for downloads to learn the heaven earth man tension, and other tension forms.
“when I was in Indonesia before, my 6 sifus only teach me 3 forms of ngo cho kun*samchien,ji sip kun,lower samchien* because of their knowledge limitation of ngo cho kun and also they're more into the samchien.I need and wanna know the rest of those 44 forms.could u please upload the picture of those form or send it to my email at especially that tien te lin chien*heaven,earth,man tension* and other 'tension' form." – Lin

* Samchien body mechanics are not Wing Chun. Wing Chun has nothing to do with Samchien.  5 Ancestors, 18 Hands Lohan, Okinawa, and Japanese Karate have Samchien; but not Wing Chun.

* You see, Lin is a liar. Lin first learned 18 hands Lohan Samchien; then he learned his heaven, earth, man samchien tension forms from the internet.  Never once did he learn samchien from Wing Chun.  The 6 sifus he degraded are outlined below.  You see, what he now teaches has a history, of made up history, and made up names. And recently, his made up name is now Shaolin HKB. He says a lot of things, and adds a lot of things; but does not tell the truth.

* One of Lin’s 6 teachers, is Master Tio. Master Tio never said samchien is Hokkien/Fukien VingTsun (Lin’s play of words, see 5 flags wing chun section below).  Lin’s sihing also said Lin is a liar; and mixed Master Tio’s (GM Kwee King Yang’s) system with Wing Chun.  In Indonesia, it is well known there never was a Black Flag Wing Chun before 2009, as Robin Wijaya, who is familiar with Kenneth on indo forums, stated.  Lin fabricated HKB Black Flag Wing Chun, before he came back to indo, and after 2009.  He submitted an article, he wrote himself, to a self-submitting internet newspaper in indo, at that time and uses that a reference.  Its ridiculous what people believe.  He is a huge, HUGE LIAR.  HKB Black Flag Wing Chun never came from Indonesia!   As mentioned previously, one of Lin’s 6 teachers is Master Tio and Chung Che Man. See below, the only traceable Wing Chun is from Chung Che Man.

* Kenneth Lin’s 6 different sifus as listed on his indo website(deleted but tree below):
1. Bok Kie Sai    --> Kwee King Yang    --> Chang(*Tio) Tek Kwe     --> Chang Po Wan--> Kenneth Salim [*Chang(Hakka dialect) = Tio (Hokkien dialect)]
2. Kwee King Yang     --> Chang(Tio) Tek Kwe    --> Kenneth Salim (Salim is adopted Indonesian-sounding name)
3. Kwee King Yang    --> Kang Hai        --> Kenneth Salim
4. (Lo Ban Teng line from 5 Ancestors) Ko Yuan    -->Kenneth Salim
5. Lao Jing Ti(Reiki)    --> students        --> Kenneth Salim (Reiki lineage)
/ (Lhama Lao Jing Ti, Gtummo/Incendium Amoris (Reiki) Lin’s black magic school’s website)
6. Victor Leow        --> Chung Che Man    --> Kenneth Salim

and Japan  websites, his 6 sifus are (tree below):
1. Bo Ki Sai        --> Pek King Yang    --> Jing Hai (Jing = Kang is Hokkien dialect)
2. Pek King Yang    --> Tio Tek Kwe        --> Kenneth Lim (Lim is Hakka dialect)
3. Tio Tek Kwe        --> Chang Po Wan    --> Kenneth Lim
4. Lo Ban Teng(5 Ancestors)-->Po Yang Ping    --> Kenneth Lim
5. Lao Jin Ti(Reiki)    --> ?            --> Kenneth Lim (Reiki lineage)
6. Victor Leow        --> *Anthony Cheung    --> Kenneth Lim  *Anthony Chung Che Man

Reference: (Lin deleted this link)
Bartender Kenneth, strings together a family tree with his 6 sifus, including Master Tio(Chang) and Anthony Chung Che Man. Kenneth evolves the tree with stuff he learns from the internet.

Lin’s 6 sifus, including Master Tio(Chang), and Vikoga Wing sifu, Chun Chung Che Man. 
The chart relies heavily on Vikoga Wing Chun Lineage.

* So is it 2000 or 1994?  On Lin’s site, now deleted and blocked on web archive, he said:
“In 1994, He met his Wingchun sifu. While learning* Ngo Chor/Thay co, he always assumed that with enough proper training of Sam Chien, he could generate a very powerful attack called "Fa Jing", which can destroy a whole internal organ. However, after meeting his Wingchun sifu, his powerful attacks were soon neutralized by the new wingchun techniques, after that he started to learned under him.”  - Lin.  Reference:
Funny, Lin could not provide his Wing Chun sifu’s name. Does that smell fishy? Why did Lin ask for a Wing Chun teacher in Surabaya in 2000, and meets Chung Che Man?  This explains that Lin was a baby in Wing Chun, still wearing his diaper in 2000.  Question, how could such a liar tell the Wing Chun world he is a grandmaster of Wing Chun?  This is like Lin dreaming like Michael Jackson, moon walking all by himself out of reality.
Lin said he got defeated by a Wing Chun sifu in 1994, but Lin looked for Chung Che Man at 2000. This points to one thing. Lin only formally learned Wing Chun after 2000, under Anthony Chung.  At 2003, when Lin signed up on the VTM guest list, Lin was only a 3 year old Wing Chun baby still wearing a diaper. Lin was so eager downloading Wing Chun stuff from internet to learn. This explains Lin not knowing the complete Wing Chun system.  Now, the world is just starting to discovery this truth about Lin, but many of our 18 Lohan members, already knew Lin was hiding behind our backs to deceive our teacher, and our school.
Lin started learning Wing Chun from Chung in 2000; but Lin was in Canada before Japan in 2003. Big question, Lin really does not have much Wing Chun under his belt, how long did Lin learn from Chung? If Meng could easily let such a Wing Chun baby trick him, then how could Meng call himself a Wing Chun researcher? At the same time, Sifu Sergio could smell Lin from thousands of miles away. That is why now, the Wing Chun world thanks Sifu Sergio’s efforts in researching the real history of Wing Chun. But for you, VTM Benny Meng, you should blame yourself. Your greed destroyed you all along; and you are as bad as Lin.

Burger boy Lin as a 3 year old wing chun baby.
5 flags wing chun:
The real Black Flag Society (HKB), is a humanitarian association in Indonesia, which helps ethnic Chinese. They help people like the Hokkien Engchun descendants, from YongChun, or Engchun County, in Hokkien(Hokkien dialect)/Fujian(Fujianese dialect) province.  Black Flag Society was especially helpful during a period of time in Indonesia history; of anti-Chinese racism, mass killings, riots and turmoil.  Kenneth Lin makes a mockery of the thousands of Chinese killed, by using HKB, and Hokkien Engchun names, for his fake kung fu style. He does this all for his personal gain! 
HKB is not kung fu! HKB is not 5 flags Wing Chun. Hokkien Engchun is not Kung Fu! HokKienEngChuKun is not male/female Wing Chun! 

Reference: past This is Lin’s made up HokkienEngChun/Male & Female Wing Chun/Ngo Cho Eng Chun lineage tree with Master Tio and Anthony Chung Che Man in Virginia USA(This was blocked from Indonesia):

Lin played with words to build his fake Hokkien Engchun; then to build his HKB black flag 5 flags wing chun.  The little boy built the on names, on the blood of thousands of Hokkien Chinese, who shed their blood in such places as Surabaya!  Lin’s heart is black with greed.  He disrespects the HKB society, who helped Hokkein Engchun refugees from the mainland!  Lin’s father, Lin Jie Chiek, said Lin is a very evil person, and no one should trust him.  His own father! Counting Lin’s lies up, he also lied about GM Kwee King Yang’s 18 Hands Lohan, Victor Leow’s Vikoga Wing Chun, and Ip Man Wing Chun, to fabricate his HKB black flag 5 Flags Wing Chun secret society. Five flags Wing Chun never existed in history.
This is Lin’s false writing, on Wing Chun Grandmaster Yip Man, and Red Flag Wing Chun:  
“Somehow, the Engchun system through this ‘Red Flag’ group had arrived in Guang Dong province. Long after that, one of the native people of FoShan, known as Yip Man (Who moved to Hong Kong afterwards) learned Eng Chun while he grew up in Foshan city - Guan Dong.” – Lin’s BS article in wingchunpedia

Lin’s play of words and propaganda has spread around the world, with the help of the evil VTM Benny Meng.  In my research on VTM Benny, he had his own agenda, using Shaolin to make money.  From Benny’s own creation, Shaolin 3-halls Wing Chun; he influenced Lin and helped him in his creation of BS history.  Two greedy marketing boys; making up Shaolin history.  Evil Benny’s VTM is used to promote propaganda, and influence the Wing Chun world, through such entities as gullible  Behind the scenes, Lin and Meng have promoted red flag Wing Chun in Europe , as Traditional Wing Chun or GM Cheung’s TWC; using it as a smoke screen to jam their foot in the door, and sneak in HKB Black Flag Engchun, as one of the flags of their ‘5 Flags Wing Chun bull5hit’.  Lin’s article in, used to be on his website, until VTM bought into the bs.  Yet another revealing historical fact is uncovered, in the color that Lin uses in his 5 flags Wing Chun – is the yellow flag.  Here the section on Lin’s underground 5 Flags Wing Chun and colors.
What is so historically revealing is the fact, that the 5 flags bandits from mainland China had the yellow Flag.  Yellow flag bandits are known run to other parts of South East Asia to escape punishment.  Yellow flag, is in no way associated with Hung Mun. Hung Mun does not have yellow flag.  Lin’s smoke screen to use Hung Mun’s 5 colors was uncovered. 
I personally know that Lin took advantage of the old HKB men not knowing English, very well against them; to lie both in front and behind the old HKB men. As mentioned before, Lin coached Master Tio, and video recorded him to lie about HKB Black Flag Wing Chun and the other flags.  Master Tio only wanted to help his student Lin.  In the USA, Lin blocked his websites from Indonesia, so the HKB old men would not know the story he was building.  When the old HKB men realized what Lin was doing, Lin convinced them he would bring lots of money back for HKB.  The old men agreed, but Master Tio saw what serious trouble Lin was causing; so he kicked Lin’s ass out of his school.  This is when Lin started advertising the great grandmaster The King Hay, as the real Black Flag Wing Chun Grandmaster, even though 18 Lohan GM The King Hay, could not demonstrate the Wing Chun forms!  Master Tio deserves much respect.  As part of Lin’s agreement with the old HKB men, he coached them also as he did with Master Tio, and also tried to teach them the Wing Chun forms.  It is easy to see Lin is an ambitious liar.  Only greedy people will work with Lin, and gullible stupid people will follow this liar.  The people who want to tell the truth are black mailed, afraid of Lin’s hitmen, or they are publicly and unjustly slandered.  Lin’s international extortion and black mail ring, needs to be presented to the open public.  Lin’s father knows Lin committed extortion, and black mailed people in the past.
Lin’s fantasies and the marketing power of Wingchun, gave Lin ideas to fabricate a HKB Black Flag Eng Chun. Lin used VTM material, the self-appointed grandmaster & researcher of B.S. Benny, his gang fantasies, and 5 ancestors stories for this elaborate scam.  His fabrication insults and disrespect many people around the world, and Wing Chun practitioners like Sifu Cressaione’s Sifu William Cheung.  Lin and Meng claimed Grandmaster Cheung learned Red Flag Wing Chun from Red Flag secret society.  It’s a lie that they started, and now they allow it get repeated like its truth.  Lin knew better not to start HKB Black Flag Eng Chun in indo, because it would have got smashed from the start!  He started his fabricated HKB black flag in America by blocking out Indo, and black mailing our 18 Lohan members, with the help of the VTM’s campaign to push made up Shaolin stories for their combined greed.

Gang activity:
Kenneth’s kung fu is made up. He is charging thousands of dollars for fake kung fu, and fake history.  Lin can delete all the information on the internet, but he cannot delete his illegal gang activities in Canada and Japan.  Lin cannot erase his criminal record!  Lin is on travel restrictions in Canada and Japan.  We know Lin was in Japan. He is the same Kenneth Lim on all his old Japan websites. In the USA, his gang activity includes fighting our 18 Hand Lohan members with blackmail.  Our 18 Hands Lohan members wanted to tell the truth about Lin’s fake HKB Eng Chun, to VTM Benny; but Lin controlled them with blackmail. In Hong Kong, why does he associate with a hit man, to take care of his illegal gang activity? Lin has been in trouble in Japan and Canada for extortion.  Is he using hit men for his extortion, and to spread his HKB financial empire?  Are Benny’s museum students doing the dirty work to repeat Lin’s words, but ignore this evidence?  Why is Lin blackmailing our members in the USA?  Why does he feel the need to hire a hit man from Hong Kong?  Look for your own answers, but this might explain why he is restricted from Japan and Canada.  God knows what else Lin has done.  Lin’s father, Lin Jie Chiek, is right, Kenneth is a very evil person and no one should trust him.  Again can you believe it, his own father said this!  Lin may dare hide his HKB bandit background, while chasing his fantasy of a fabricated 5 flag fake Wing Chun story, but the truth reveals itself.  Lin already got caught with his lie; but now the public needs to know about this liar. Lin is a big liar in crime, as well a con boy in the martial arts community.

Benny do you really call yourself a researcher?  I have researched you! Did you know Kenneth Lin has idolized you from his teenage years?  He has fantasized about you for years; his bedroom had all your books, magazines, videos and posters.  He spent a lot of alone time with you!  He even signed up on your VTM guestbook when he was in Japan. 

Lin also learned about the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun formula, from the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun forum!  Lin was busy on the internet in Japan.
Lin also took information from your Sifu Robert Chu’s 9 zone concept, and called it 9 gate concept!  Lin researched you, Benny, to make up his fake Samchien HKB Black Flag Eng Chun 5 flags Wing Chun.  He learned to talk, and walk the bullshit, just like you.  In a way he is your creation.  Actually, you both sound alike, because you both stole information from everyone. That’s why there is a public outcry against you.  You steal and destroy history. It is no wonder why Lin wanted to be like you.  You aren’t qualified to be a researcher or a teacher.  That is why your Sifu Robert Chu said your skill is very low. What is funny, is Lin’s skill is low in 18 Lohan, and he was only a 3 year Wing Chun baby when he signed your VTM guestbook.  He doesn’t know the whole system of 18 Lohan, 5 Ancestors or Wing Chun.  The more deviant and evil you both get; the more you love each other.  How can you call a thief of your own creation, your kung fu father!? That’s some funny shit; Meng’s warehouse of kung fool dish for gullible people.  Meng, you know Shoalin HKB is all lies, because you actively made it true to yourself, by repeating and revising this bs to yourself and Lin.  If you have any respect for yourself, don’t call yourself anything more than a third generation sifu in Moy Yat Wing Chun and student under 6th generation Ip Man student, Kenneth “burger boy” Lin.  As Wing Chun Sifu Dr John Crescione asked you on facebook, who promoted you to grandmaster?  For sure not your extortion hamburger flipping shifu Lin, the one you call your Kung fu father!  Check this out, even Lin’s real father does not trust him.  Your VTM is really a Meng’s Martial Arts warehouse; it is not a museum.  It only sells false products and false history.

Cultic students:
Back in 2009, both Sergio and Meng visited our 18 Lohan teachers. We all knew that Lin coached our old man to lie, in order for Lin to recruit both Sergio and Meng for the expansion for his fake HKB in USA, S.E Asia, Brasil & Europe. A few months ago, Sifu Sergio had some concern about Lin’s background, and came back searching for the truth, without Lin and his fake museum guy Benny Meng. Finally, our teacher and sihings revealed the truth, that everything about Lin is fake, to Sifu Sergio.  Benny Meng and HKB existing operators, your willingness to go along with Lin to deceive the world makes you his partner in crime. At first Sergio was worried about Benny being fooled by Lin, but we did not see it that way. Some of our 18 Lohan members had met Benny Meng when he was here in indo, they could also tell this Benny Meng is an evil person; they could see it from his eyes.
Your teachers, Lin and Meng, have lied to you; and are taking advantage of your lack of understanding of kung fu.  Stupid and gullible are harsh words; but you really need to wake up!  I know some of you existing HKB franchise operators, cannot deny that you were encouraged to finance your blind faith in Lin’s fabricated HKB Black Flag Eng Chun; through second mortgages, friend and family investments, savings and bank loans, or lines of credit!  In fact, new innocent recruits were also encouraged to fund this financial scam.  HKB operators, you may feel you have no choice because you have to pay everyone back, so you are left to defend your cultic slave master sifu Lin and Meng.  Now you know the truth, and will have to continue the lie despite the glowing evidence right in front of you!  If you want to get your money back, file a class action lawsuit!  If you continue this path, you yourself maybe convicted as an accomplice.  Who has the balls from the inside to complain and take this scum down?  The best option is for Lin and Meng’s cultic organization is to come clean; before they are hit with an international lawsuit.   As you see, stupid and gullible are the right words to describe you.  You know Sifu Sergio and Sifu Tur were hurt by their once kung fu father’s lie.  I can understand if you are hurt, but worst is to live a lie, and be part of an organization built on extortion of our 18 Hands Lohan members! The sooner you get away from these criminals, the better it is for you.

Come clean:
No one around the world  accepted Lin’s samchien Wing Chun; so he switched to ngochowingchun, then to Ngo Cho Ving Tsun,  then to HokKienEngChun, then to male/female wing chun, then to 5 Flags Wing Chun, then to hkb  black flag wing chun, then to Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun, and now to  Shaolin HKB.  It will continue. VTM research is bullshit. Lin and VTM need to come clean and tell the truth. Lin, you need to release your blackmail on our 18 Lohan members; it is not right! You need to apologize to Master Tio, and our 18 Hands Lohan, Cap Pwi Lo Han Jui Pai!  You need to apologize to the Black Flag Society of Indonesia that provided help to mainland chinese!  You need to apologies to your father for dishonoring his family! You need to apologize to the Wing Chun community.  You need to apologize to your students!  Release everyone from your lies!

The information presented here is an effort put together from our Indonesia, Singapore, Canadian, Hong Kong and American friends. Thanks to everyone.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lin’s HKB extortion activities

Before the two scam artists, Kenneth and Benny, started trying to change history, there was only GM Kwee King Yang’s 18 Hand Lohan and Hek Ki Boen. There NEVER was a Kwee King Yang Wing Chun!  Who the hell do you think you are, Benny and Kenneth, to tell us GM Kwee King Yang had Wing Chun?  You stupid punks feel there are no consequences for your lying, cheating, double dealing business of self promotion.
The Set Up:
Back in 2008, Kenneth Lin Xian Fuk, convinced Master Tio to agree with his fabricated, “5 flags Wing Chun” bullshit.  Master Tio had good intentions to support his student Kenneth, in making money in America. But today, Master Tio deeply regrets ever saying HKB has Wing Chun. It has only caused turmoil with HKB, 18 Hands Lohan and Wing Chun. Master Tio admitted to his students, that Lin coached him to lie about his fabricated Black Flag Wing Chun. He also admitted that, back in 2008, Lin recorded a video of him supporting Lin’s fake 5 flags Wing Chun.  All along, Lin coached not only Tio, but the other 18 Hand Lohan old men, to agree with his fabricated Shaolin HKB Black Flag Eng Chun 5 flags Wing Chun bullshit.
The Black Mail:
Today, Lin is threatening to use the video he made of Master Tio to extort him, because he is frightened by another video, where Master Tio tells the truth. Master Tio deserves respect for admitting the truth, and having deep regrets; despite his previous good intentions to support Lin in the past. Inside HKB, from top to bottom, Master Tio is the only one who has the respect to do what is right.  In truth, there is a dark side to Lin’s background. Lin’s HKB gang activities, associations and propaganda in other countries, are characteristic of a criminal organization. 
Lin and Meng’s students would be shocked to discover that Lin is running out of countries to commit crimes in.  Why is Lin on restricted government listings, forbidding him entrance into certain countries?  Why did Lin lie about being in Japan and Canada?  The general public is learning the reality about this corrupted, self-promoted grandmaster of bullshit. They are discovering how Lin and Meng’s HKB criminal and propaganda activities, which form their propaganda machine, the fabricated VTM 3-Halls Shaolin HKB Black Flag Eng Chun / 5 Flags Wing Chun sham, are infused with extortion, lies, fraud, forgery, and unjust slander. (Note to Lin and Benny, you could have picked shorter names for all your bullshit labels, it’s getting too dam long!)
The Verification:
With more research, the general public can expect to see more shocking, untold stories about Lin’s past activities. See for yourself! According to independent international researchers, without VTM influence, Shaolin HKB Black Flag Eng Chun/ 5 flags Wing Chun, is fabricated. The researchers have their own testimonies below, telling about Lin and Meng’s fabrication and extortion.  Independent international research comes from, Marcelo of Brazil, Sifu Sergio of Hong Kong and Sifu Tur of Thailand.

Without prejudice:
I have been exchanging emails with Sifu Tio Tek Kwie for the last few months, and that's what I've gathered from our correspondence:
1 - Sifu Tio has never learned nor taught any Wing Chun style;
2 - GM Kwee King Yang, Sifu Tio's teacher, has never learned nor taught any Wing Chun style;
3 - GM Kwee King Yang's martial art was/is called "Cap Pwi Lohan Jiu" / 18 Hands of Lohan (hands - not fists - because, in that style, the hand is not completely closed when striking);
4 - There is no "Siu Nin Tau", "Chum Kiu", "Biu Ji" or any other form or body mechanics of Wing Chun in Cap Pwi Lohan Jiu;
5 - GM Kwee King Yang was a member of an Indonesian brotherhood called "Black Flag Society", which had nothing to do with Wing Chun or martial arts; rather, the purpose of the Black Flag Society of Indonesia was to provide shelter and ways of subsistence for the Southern China refugees;
6 - The Fukienese styles *and even the people* from the Eng Chun (Wing Chun/Yong Chun) State are known by the general expression "Hokkien Eng Chun" (just google it and see), which has nothing to do with the Kung Fu style known as "Wing Chun";
7 - Neither Mr. Lin nor Mr. Meng have ever learnt any Wing Chun from GM Tio or any other student of the late Kwee King Yang - after all (again!) neither GM Tio nor GM Kwee have ever learned any Wing Chun;
8 - "Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun" or "Black Flag Wing Chun" is a creation of Mr. Lin and Mr. Meng, who mixed up Vikoga, Yip Man and Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun with forms, concepts and body mechanics of Cap Pwi Lohan Jiu;
9 - Both Mr. Lin and Mr. Meng were disconected from GM Tio's lineage before they had a chance to learn Sifu Kwee King Yang's system in depth.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Here my 2 statements regarding my recent findings that were made during my research into Wing Chun's history.

Dear Wing Chun community,

I am writing to inform the community that effective as of today,
I disassociate myself from the HKB association.

As an avid researcher and practitioner of Wing Chun, I have arrived
at a juncture where my findings regarding the origin of Wing Chun
no longer makes my support of the teachings of HKB association tenable.

 This is a personal decision I need to make.

I do not wish this announcement to impact any of your views regarding HKB
and I sincerely wish each and everyone of you the best on your journey toward
learning Wing Chun in its true form.

Sifu Sergio

Official Statement of Sifu Sergio Pascal Iadarola,

A Year ago I joined the HKB (Black Flag Wing Chun) association.
my interest was sparked by its history, theory and expressed skill
levels, by its senior members.

As many of you are probably aware, I'm a researcher of the Wing
Chun system.  I travel through China and South East Asia, to promote
the system's history and lineages.

Over the past years several attacks against HKB were launched on
Youtube, which I helped defend on my Sifu Sergio channel.  I even promoted
the system itself through several videos.

As a researcher however, I keep an open mind and look at things
from different viewpoints, some subjects brought up in the attacks
caused some concerns. However, my doubts were always
clarified by the head of HKB.  However, a recent trip to Indonesia
to meet GM Tio Tek Kwie proved otherwise.

The late GM Kwee King Yang had ten Sifus, from several different
Fukien systems. His First Sifu a Black Flag secret society member
named The Kiang Sing, his Second Sifu Goei Bok Khie a Tai Zo expert,
his Third Sifu Oei Liok Hin whom he learned the Sip Ji Kun from and
his Fourth Sifu was called Tio Han Tam.

Only Kwee King Yang's last Sifu Ciao Fun Jiao is used by the
propaganda of HKB Wing Chun as his history is clouded due to the Black
Flag secret society that he was part of.

The Saam Chian Bo for example, comes from the late GM Gei Bok Khie,
who was a Tai Zo expert. Kwee King Yang just added the Black Flag
secret society knowledge given to him, by his last Sifu Ciao Fun Jiao
(NOTE: This is not WING CHUN!) onto his other learned systems
and came up with his unique18 Lohan Hands system.

The current leader of the HKB in the USA, learned this system in Indonesia,
under several sifu's, mainly sifu Tio Tek Kwie, but he also learned Wing
Chun under a Sifu called Victor Leow, eventually mixing the systems and
coming up with his Saam Chian Wing Chun which he taught in Japan. And
later Ng Cho Wing Chun which he taught in Indonesia, before coming to
the US and creating his HKB Wing Chun (Black Flag Wing Chun)

In Indonesia, the system from GM Kwee King Yang is called 18 lohan
hands, and does not have Siu Nim Tau, nor Chum Kiu, nor Biu Tze in
its curriculum.

The Forms taught are:
- Sam Chian
- Lower Saam Chian
- Sat Si Mui
- Sip Ji Kun

and several others, not found in  HKB system in the US, like for
example the forms Tai Zo Kun, Song Sui and Bak Kak.

The system of HKB furthermore, contains a lot of theory and elements
from the Hung Fa Yi system,  according to my sources were extracted
from Benny Meng's books and VTM website.

There are no pictures or videos in existence of any student of the
late GM Kwee King Yang nor of himself showing any wing chun form
resembling Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu or Biu Tze.

For anyone who questions this, I advise you to go to Indonesia yourself.
Go to Surabaya or Probalingo, and ask them about these forms, or if
they were ever taught these forms by the late Gm Kwee King Yang.

I'm aware that the means to defend themselves at this stage is to say
that I paid grandmasters in Indonesia with sums of money. Anybody
believing that, again I suggest to go to Indonesia and talk with the students
of the late GM Kwee King Yang yourself, and verify what I'm stating in
this letter.

Anyway I'm sure, this is not the last of it, as I'm dragged further in
this political game, but then again, it happened to me before, this is
basically the 3rd time that I found myself being involved in an
association where it seems a normal state of affairs to build a
reputation with lies and deceit.

Sifu Sergio Pascal iadarola

The maker of this video was right all along
Letter from Sifu Sergio to Sifu Lin
Dear Sifu Lin,

After a long meditation, and long reflexions about our Kung Fu future we decided today to stop our learning of the Hek ki boen style.
We took this decision based on the following reasons :

1.During our training together in kowloon park we met an original student of Kwee King Yang we have spend lots of time with him and through that know now all the history and facts.

2.we cannot teach a kung fu system with a fabricated history, here are some points to clarify what we mean as its shocking to find out that the internet attacks that were launched against you and we helped so hard to repel ,are in fact all true!!!

- kwee king yang had 10 sifu's ,the detachment, whip,and Red Palm came from Ciao fun jiao his last sifu and the black flag,but many other things not! Kwee king yang studied around 2 years under ciao fun jiao until the later unfortunately died.

-The saam chian for example comes from Gei Bok Khie who was a Tai Zo expert Kwee King Yang just added the black flag secret society knowledge onto his other learned systems and came up with his unique 18 lohan hands system

-We have proof that only the engine of your HKB is from the black flag non of the forms they are all from other systems,again we have proof for everything we say here,including photos of Kwee King Yang from as far back as 1920 even original writings from him

-The siauw lim do and Tim kiao are your creations from the teachings of victor leow mixed with the teachings of your other sifu's mixed with the formula of Hung Fa Yi which you modified quite ingeniously,we must admid you did a great job as you had us fooled for over a year.

- Easy to say Biu Tze is lost, it never existed in kwee king yangs teachings!!! Thats why the regression therapist said something that was never there cannot be retrieved

- We have all the proof that this system that was called 18 lohan hand by Kwee King Yang is definately not Wing Chun,you were very smart to steal the formula from Benny mengs website and change it a little and trick Benny with his own info,your post on the VTM forum in 2003 gave you away but now we have hard proof in our hands video material etc (at this moment forwared and kept by 6 of my close students)

- Where are your pictures of you learning under your sifus in the 80's? They are non existent because you never studied it at that time!

- The student of Kwee King Yang we met and want to keep a secret at this stage is a friend of several students of Kwee King Yang he told us many things about you,now i understand your character better and why you changed all the text on your facebook pictures of your last big indonesia trip with the USA students,what kung fu ethics is that?

- We dont want a war nor politics nor hurt your business so we will not publish anything unless you attack us on the social media like youtube and facebook.

- You are the only one recieving this mail,we just want to leave in peace but be aware that if you start something we will not hesitate to post several videos that are in our possesion that will totally destroy your association when revealed on our channels we hope it does not have to come to that.

- What hurt us most is your lies,like you never where in Japan???? Even showing your passport.
But we have proof of you teaching Wing Chun in japan,you even met your wife there!!!

- We are thankful for your teachings because you are definately a capable kung fu master
But we are really dissapointed with your ethics,we have collected so much proof but again are not going to use it unless you try to harm us.

- Kwee king Yang promoted the learning of many styles,but you forced us to quit our practice of Tang Yick Wing Chun etc

- Also your Control Grid and ICP rules are a big reason for all of us to quit

So we are very sorry to tell you things like this,but the truth is the truth and the truth should be protected at all costs!!!

-last point all the video testimonials from us and all the IWKA members must be removed from the internet,as we dont want to support any lies we give you 72 hours to do so

We wish you the best for your future projects but we and the rest of the ICP members from the IWKA are leaving from this moment on your HKB family

Sincerely Sifu Sergio and Sifu Gerald Tur

This maker of this video was right all along

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Shaolin HKB Eng Chun/Black Flag Five Flags Wing Chun is a Hoax

Benny Meng, what is wrong with you? There will always be scam artists like you around.
You are destroying your students’ future with your false teachings. Your students want to learn real Wing Chun, while you are teaching them fake Wing Chun. You mix words to hide that you are really teaching Hek Ki Boen (HKB) 18 Hands Lohan. You are a poison among the Martial Arts communities, and you should not refer to your Meng’s school as VTM. That is a false representation of the Wing Chun community.

By sending out Hoffman’s personal emails to attack Sifu Sergio, not only are both you and Kenneth Lin betraying friends, you are also setting a very bad example as a teacher to your students. On Kenneth Lin’s last trip back to Indonesia, he told the HKB old men, that you and your false museum are totally under his control, to make money from the gullible students, for the HKB old men. But, at the same time, Lin expressed his fear, that Sifu Sergio was out to expose his new findings from the HKB Master Tio Tik Kwi, and that other HKB members in the USA would hurt his business. That's the reason Lin kept changing his HKB website so often, to hide the truth, changing his HKB teacher from Tio Tik Kwi to The Kang Hay (Tee Kang Hai).

Comparing Sifu Sergio to you, the little stupid Benny, self appointed false grandmaster of BS, Sifu Sergio is a much more honest researcher than you, at any given time. He would not support any lies from Kenneth Lin, or the false Shaolin HKB Eng Chun or Black Flag/5Flag Wing Chun scandal, which is totally fabricated by Kenneth Lin.  After Sifu Sergio and Sifu Gerald Tur exposed the truth, you willingly followed Lin's footsteps, and continue with this nonsense about the HKB 18 Hands Lohan, as Shaolin Wing Chun. Recently, your ex-student Marcelo, also contacted our HKB master Tio, and found out all these lies about Kenneth Lin. He discovered that his stories of Shaolin HKB Black Flag/5 Flags Eng Chun, are fabricated and a complete hoax.

Little stupid Benny, please stop poisoning the MA communities with your false research. As a real 18 Hands Lohan member, I am strongly suggesting you do some in-depth research on Kenneth Lin's background.
1) Ask Kenneth Lin where he got his 9 gates concept from.
Certainly, it is not from HKB. Our 18 Hands Lohan members are well aware, that Lin spent over a decade stealing information from other people on the internet. *The 9 gates concept* was from Wing Chun Sifu Robert Chu's article.
2) Why did Kenneth Lin suddenly change his HKB teacher from Tio Tik Kwi to The Kang Hay (Tee Kang Hai)?
Because, Master Tio told Sergio, as well Marcelo, the truth about the real history of 18 Hands Lohan, and that it has nothing to do with Wing Chun. These other HKB old men that Lin reports to, just want money, and don't really care if Lin is presenting lies to get it.
3) Why did Kenneth Lin tell Sifu Sergio, that the Biu Jee form was lost?
Because Lin is not a Wing Chun master by any means. In truth, Kenneth Lin is a 6th generation student, of Ip Man Wing Chun, that never finished his Wing Chun training. You can still find many old posts from Lin in indo forum, where he asked some people to send him the material, to learn on his own. Now you and Lin have come up with this marketing scams, and you wanted to charge people over $128,000. That is a real shame, seeing all these gullible people being cheated by the both of you. Maybe you have forgotten that you got to learn it for free. Master Tio didn't charge a penny for his teaching to you!
4) You should stop misrepresenting our 18 Hands Lohan system. HKB is not a kung fu style; HKB was the name of an underground gang which has nothing to do with the Shaolin Temple. There never was any Shaolin HKB Eng Chun/Black Flag or Five Flags Wing Chun anywhere in history.
5) It is about time for you to do the right thing, and ask Kenneth Lin to come clean. Kenneth Lin's Wing Chun came from Anthony Chung Che Man, not from HKB 18 Hands Lohan. Both You and Lin should wake up from your fantasy and stop cheating your students.
6) Why don't you go interview Anthony Chung Che Man to seek the truth about this false history of Shaolin HKB Eng Chun? According to Lin's old website, Anthony Chung Che Man was the one who taught Kenneth Lin Wing Chun.

No one in HKB has anything to do with Wing Chun. Little stupid Benny, do you understand that? Your own creation with Lin, Shaolin HKB Eng Chun, is BOGUS! Everyone is laughing at you. You might be able to sell your fantasy to your gullible students, but not the public!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

VTM Benny Meng's inflated ego on his facebook page

On Benny Meng's facebook he advertised himself as Grand Master Benny Meng.
So Wing Chun Sifu Dr. John Crescione asks Benny - Who promoted you as Grand Master?
Benny replied - God promoted me.
After naming that ridiculous post, Benny realized how stupid his reply was, so he deleted the whole thread.

Benny, who gave you the right to promote yourself as Grand Master?
Now that you are Kenneth Lin's student, you demoted yourself from 3rd generation Ip Man Wing Chun under Moy Yat to 7th generation Ip Man Wing Chun under 6th generation Lin.  Kenneth Lin is 6th generation Ip Man lineage from Vikoga Wing Chun.

From Sifu Sergio's research, Kenneth Lin's fabricated Hek Ki Boen (HKB) Wing Chun.  The old men of HKB could not demonstrate Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu or Biu Ji, because it doesn't exist in HKB.  HKB 18 Hand Lohan Master Tio said HKB is not Wing Chun but 18 Hand Lohan.  Even Kenneth Lin's Sihing Tjie Siong Liong said: “As far as I know that there a lot of lie make by Lin Xiang Fuk. One of those lie is there is no siu nim tau or chum kiu or biu ji in the late GM Kwee King Yangs Teachings. He just mix my sifu's system with Wing Chun system.”  Benny, HKB is not Wing Chun, 18 Lohan is not Wing Chun.

In reality, HKB is just an old Chinese traitor Black Flag gang, they have history before, during and after the Japanese invasion to China.  HKB members know 18 Hand Lohan is from Fukien, they just happen to be HKB gangster who know 18 Hand Lohan.  But phony VTM reseacher, Benny doesn’t know the difference between 18 Hand Lohan and Wing Chun.  Benny, you are really an 18 Hand Lohan student in the HKB gang.  How can you be a grandmaster?  You’re not only stupid and gullible but you cannot answer Wing Chun Sifu Dr. John Crescione's question. 

 Benny you have no shame to say God promoted you, then to delete the thread when the public knows your every move.  You are stupid.  You cannot see pass your inflated ego to see your stupidity.  What are you hiding?  You are for sure not a Grand Master of Wing Chun but just a 7th generation Wing Chun student under 6th generation Ip Man student, Kenneth Lin Xiang Fuk.  You are not a Grand Master in any shape or form, you are completely out of your fuken mind!

Kenneth Lin fabricated his 5 flags Wing Chun story.  5 flags Wing Chun never existed in history.  By the way, one of Lin's 5 flags is yellow, it matches the 5 flag  bandits who were robbers, murderers, traitors and rapist.  Hung Mun is Lin’s smoke screen. The public evidence on Kenny's fraudulent background is out there, you know that.  Sergio saw the truth and saw through you and Lin.  Benny, if you did real research like a real researcher with integrity like Sifu Sergio you would have called Lin out.  But your inflated ego, stupidity and greed took you down the road you went down to far to turn back, so now your trying to change HKB into Shaolin HKB.  WTF!   This is a bunch of bull.  The Wing Chun community knows Lin is a phony, he fabricated his 5 flags Wing Chun scandal and you went along with it.  The public, the Wing Chun community, Sifu Sergio and HKB has put all the evidence on the table!  What qualifies you as Grand Master?  You are out of your fucken mind Benny!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Benny Meng’s VTM conclusion on wing chun is complete bullshit

Benny Mengs’s VTM and Kenneth Lin’s HKB can no longer bullshit their way through the martial art community.  The martial arts community has given them benefit of the doubt and "direct experience". Lin’s past decade of 5 ancestors and Vikoga Wing Chun websites contradicts what meng and lin say today.

Is the VTM really incompetent or outright lying?  HKB master Tio, said there is no wing chun in HKB.  In the VTM's report on HKB, it said, Tio the only student to have official permisson to open a school and was and is one of the close-door student of Tio.  Through direct experience, Sifu Sergio once was a student of Lin but when he found out Lin’s HKB was fake through his own research, he quit Lin.  Sergio said on his facebook:
"... the truth is that its a mix of 6 different fukien styles,Black Flag Secret society knowledge and Hung Fa Yi Theory."
After Sifu Sergio left HKB, the VTM curator and founder, Benny Meng, started attacking Sifu Sergio.  Now the VTM says The Hay is the most senior in HKB.  Is the VTM curator professional or a fake researcher with ulterior motives?

What is VTM's motives?  Money and ego.  The VTM is interested in building up its conflict of interest, Meng’s martial arts franchise and affiliation with Lin’s Shaolin HKB.  The VTM and Meng’s Martail Art’s interest is promoting the Shaolin labels for marketing purposes.  Meng never got permission to from Shaolin. Benny Meng is a self titled grandmaster of a made up Shaolin 3 halls.  Ten years ago, HKB did not exist, but today and just recently it changed its name again, this time to Shaolin HKB. Not only that but Meng’s is promoting Shaolin had only 3 Shaolin halls which is a lie.  In real Shaolin history, there was 36 halls, 3 halls never existed.  Benny Meng's Shaolin 3 halls is a scam.  This current name change stupid because back in 7/27/2010, Lin said "HKB Wing Chun is not the same as Shaolin Wing Chun.”.  How stupid is that?

Lin’s fake Shaolin Black Flag HKB Eng Chun / 5 flag Wing Chun is complete 100 and 10% bullshit.  Lin is a liar and he owes the martial arts community a public apology.  Lin is really a 6th generation Ip Man student and not a master.  Lin does not represent Wing Chun or the HKB 18 Lohan school.
" Again some unfortunate misinformation is spread by Benny Meng curator of the VTM,he should get his facts straight before lashing out and be a real researcher,read below the photo for the details of the real legacy of the late GM Kwee King Yang in Indonesia" - Sifu Sergio

".. LIN created his own HKB Wing Chun taking Hung Fa Yi theories mixing it with the vikogwa wing chun he learned from Victor Leouw plus the extra knowledge of Kwee King Yangs 18 Lohan Hands.." - Sifu Sergio

" Lin's self created Siu Nim Tau (Siauw Lim Do) for example is for a big part original 18 lohan form" - Sifu Sergio

"when i went to Indonesia for my research i found out the facts and send my resignation to the HKB family in the USA,nothing more nothing less." - Sifu Sergio